October is Pro Life Month
While much turmoil swirls around the issue of a child’s right to life, the solution lies first and foremost in prayer. The Prolife Committee invites you to attend a Living Rosary for Life at the St. Hedwig’s Church of Blessed Mary Angela Parish located at Doughty St., Dunkirk on Tuesday, October 28, 2014, at 6:30 p.m.
The Blessing & Opening of the St. Gianna Pregnancy Outreach Center, adjacent to the church at 103 E. Doughty St., Dunkirk will be held before the Rosary at 6 p.m. and a Reception will follow the Rosary at the parish Social Center located at 324 Townsend St.
The St. Gianna Pregnancy Outreach Center in Dunkirk is a satellite of the downtown location of the Diocese of Buffalo St. Gianna Pregnancy Center and will be open after the blessing for your visit.
Opening Celebration Flyer – PDF